Les 5 sens

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1. L'odorat (= smell)

Voici les mots couramment associés au goût :

of is always used with smell to describe types of smells. For example, "Her room smelled of roses." or "It smells of cigarettes."

Our nostrils are the two passages in our nose which take air into our bodies.

The top of the nose is called the bridge of the nose.

To sniff is to quickly breathe in through the nose.

When we want to talk about a very powerful smell, we usually say a strong smell.

An aroma is a very pleasant smell, often a smell of food which is cooking.

If there is a smell which you do not recognise or do not like, it is called a funny smell.

An odour is a bad smell.

When we want to get rid of bad smells we use an air-freshener. This often comes in an aerosol can and we spray it in the room.

2. L'ouïe (= hearing)

Voici les mots couramment associés à l'ouïe :

The general word for things we hear is a sound.

Sounds can be loud or quiet.

When we talk very quietly so that no-one can hear, we whisper.

People who cannot hear are deaf.

When a person has difficulty hearing, they are described as hard of hearing.

A person who is hard of hearing might use a hearing aid to help them.

Deaf people communicate using sign language. Sign language is carried out with the hands.

Deaf people may also lip-read to understand what people are saying.

If a sound can be heard, it is audible.

3. La vue (= seeing)

Voici les mots couramment associés à la vue :

Sight is the noun from seeing.

A person who is short-sighted cannot see long distances. Also a person who is long-sighted cannot see or read things which are close to them.

People who have difficulty seeing will either wear glasses or wear contact lenses. Contact lenses go into your eyes.

A person who cannot see at all is blind.

We say a person who can see is sighted.

Blind people may have a guide dog to help them walk on the street.

If books are written in braille, blind people can feel the words and are able to read them.

Some people have difficulty distinguishing colours such as red and green. We say they are colour blind.

Reading glasses are used to help long-sighted people read newspapers etc.

People who have a squint, have eyes which look in different directions.

A person who is cross-eyed, has eyes which look towards each other.

The pupil is the centre part of an eye.

The eyelid is the outer part of the eye, which opens and closes.

An eyelash is a small hair on an eyelid.

have an eye for something, you are good at it. For example, He has a good eye for a ball.

If you keep an eye on something, you look after a person's possession's while they are away.

4. Le toucher (= touch)

Voici les mots couramment associés au toucher :

We use our fingertips to touch things.

When we touch something for a specific purpose, we also feel it.

Things can feel smooth, which means they are flat.

Things can also feel rough, which means they have a surface which is not flat.

We can say a place or an action needs a woman's / man's touch, which means it needs a woman / man to organise it.

If we keep in touch with people like our friends, we do not lose contact with them.

In speech, if a person touches on something, they talk about it briefly.

5. Le goût (= taste)

Voici les mots couramment associés au goût :

Taste is also a verb which meansto eat a little of something to decide if you like it or not.

There are five main flavours which we can taste in food, sweet, sour, bitter, salty and spicy.

A sweet flavour means that it tastes like sugar.

A sour taste means it tastes sharp like a lemon.

A bitter taste means it tastes like it needs sugar in it.

A salty taste means it tastes like it has salt in it.

A spicy taste means the food tastes as if it has a lot of herbs and spices in it.

If you think that a certain meal is tasty, it means you like it a lot.

If something tastes off, it tastes like it is bad or unhealthy to eat.

If food like curry tastes hot, it burns your mouth a little bit.

If you get a taste for something, you wish to do it again and again.

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